Why am I thinking about this sign? what on earth is up with that?
I think that this is a pretty liberal thing to say. Like, duh. Yet it struck a chord in me and I appreciated that. That's why I took a picture of it and also made this page. Lately I make a page about anything that strikes my fancy, really. It's a new way of expressing myself, I suppose, and I'm excited about it and want to utilize it. But I'm not sure what the point of making a page like this is. almost no one will see it. and even if they do, no one will love what i love about the thing i saw because it's my recreation of it, not the thing in its entirety. But maybe that's pessimistic? I don't know. Maybe someone will find their own thing to love in my recreation. I certainly love my recreations a lot. And that's what I love about neocities. All in all, they can only approximate. Like all art, they only approximate a vision. But the other thing I love about neocities is that they're made out of love. For the most part, I mean — I guess you could make a white supremacist neocities if you really wanted to — but it seems like you need some enduring feeling to get through the whole process. Love endures like that. Love withstands like that. So I guess what I'd like to say about this sign is that while greed and hatred fade away, something else is revealed: love. Maybe that's tacky. But this is a neocities site. Everything is a little tacky.


and it looked like this and it said





i stepped into the church yard and took a picture. i'm very comfortable in and around churches - it's a space where i know all the rules. none of my closest friends really grew up with church like i did, or they did and they didn't like it. except maybe joe but he's not talking to me right now. the church was really beautiful — brown stone in a gothic style. i love church architecture because we do our best work out of love (see sidebar). we do our best work out of devotion. my friends seem to find my devotion to god a bit creepy. or at least they don't get it. that's okay with me. god gets me.